Sunday, February 17, 2013

1.1: Welcome to Our Home.

Meet Dalton and Marilyn Phantomhive. Dalton as you can see is a witch("Warlock!"), he's a little eccentric. Though he is a very handsome boy, he's been working on his alchemy. Somehow he thinks that he will make some money out of it. Marilyn on the other hand is pretty much exactly like her gorgeous husband, except she's just a human and an aspiring famous vocalist.
"Welcome to our cute, little home! I hope there aren't dirty dishes in there."
"I shall banish you all! Fear my power! Muwahahaha!"
Calm down Dalton, just calm down.

It was a comfortable little place with two bedrooms, a large open living room/dining room/kitchen, and a bathroom. It had enough seating for five Sims to sit comfortably in the home. Dalton was busy reading a gardening book, leaving Mar to her thoughts so she just stared at the floor.

After a while of staring at the floor, Marilyn walked into the master bedroom. She stared at some of the wedding photos they decided to hang up, most of them were in photo albums still. She smiled, remembering that day perfectly. Everything went perfect, her dress, her hair, her guests, the venue, even her divorced parents acted civilized for the evening. They'd been married for over a year now, they'd been trying for a baby for the time too. "It would happen right? It was normal to not be able to have kids for a while when you were trying, right?" She whispered and felt her stomach. "What if I can't give Dalton a child? Would he leave me? I need to get to a professional about this." It wouldn't happen that day, but soon she would need to take a trip to the hospital.

Though first she needed to get noticed. She loved putting in over-time at the park. It gave her a little more fame and a little more money in her pocket. Normally she didn't get too many watchers, but they gave her plenty of tips. She wasn't sure if it was her singing or her body, either way it didn't bother her too much.

 Meanwhile, Dalton was going to try to get a garden started. He planned on growing all the food they'd ever need so that way the only thing they'd have to buy is meat. He also planned on growing ingredients for some of his potions.

Mar started getting excited as more people showed up to watch her preform. Too bad it was getting really late and she should be getting home to her husband.

You'd think riding a bike in heels and a short dress would be uncomfortable. Obviously not since this crazy lady is smiling her head off. Dalton doesn't believe in cars and he has gotten it in Marilyns head now too. Crazy people, crazy everywhere.

"Since you've been working so much lately, do you want to see a concert? I've heard some famous orchestra is going to be at the theater." Dalton slowly mentioned.
"Hmm we'll see dear. You need to be working on your alchemy if you want to start making money off of it." She was always digging into him about that alchemy station taking up the spare room. She was hoping that room would one day be her child's room.
"Besides all I want to do is finish dinner and get to bed right now." She winked and bit her lip.

Dalton got the message quickly and started shoveling salad down his throat and Marilyn did the same before Dalton took up both plates and threw them in the sink.

"Mmm wanna practice making a baby? My sexy baby maker." Dalton winked and made other animalistic sounds.
"The more you practice, the better you get right?" Marilyn giggled before diving under the covers with her handsome husband, hoping this time would work.


The next morning Dalton had woken up first and decided to make waffles while Marilyn was supposed to be taking a shower.

"Uhm dear, I'm all for you walking around naked, but don't you think it's a little too early for playtime?" Dalton watched her, just a little confused.
"I forgot my clothes in the room, and since the bathroom doesn't connect to the bedroom; I had to walk out here naked, I also forgot to get a towel." She smiled sheepishly before running into the bedroom to get dressed.

 "How dare you use those silverware pieces?! I am appalled! We could have used those to keep the werewolves away, wife!"
"Oh hush before I eat your waffles too, you stupid witch." She rolled her eyes, "Since when are witches afraid of werewolves?"
"Woman. How many times will I have to tell you? I. Am. A. WARLOCK!"He yelled as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Oh look at my handsome huusbaand. Look at the way he does the dishes!" Marilyn said in a singsong voice before giggling. "You're such a good manny."
"Why yes I am handsome, it's about time you understood that. Yes I am a- Hey wait! Manny. That means man and nanny doesn't it? I am not a nanny. I just treat you very well." He hissed, though continued to do the dishes.
He's such a good man.

Boom! My RL has started! 
I ended up getting to lazy to write more so that's why it stops so early. I just really wanted to get the first chapter out of the way.


  1. Haha :D I love their banter!

    I'm very excited about this. Do you want to know why?

    I can't wait to see how it gets passed down through the generations! Little things like that make it more interesting, as you don't always notice things like noses.

    Great start, I hope they don't have too much trouble trying for a baby!
    (And if you want more readers, try posting a link on the thread on MTS?)

  2. Hehe I wanted some kind of comedy so I took notes from my own relationship and my parents.

    I've never actually had hair colour pass down through generations, I love unnatural hair colour.

    Thank you! I was thinking about posting a link but I didn't want to bother anyone with it.

    1. Nobody will be bothered, we all tend to post a link for every chapter, and chat in between. We're friendly, honest :)

  3. hehe, I never thought about how they do ride bicycles in high heels, too funny!

    ~Margaret Pendragon

  4. Great start, penguin!
    Do post your updates on the MTS thread. Like gem says, we're friendly. A little crazy sometimes, but mostly harmless. =D

  5. Lol! Bike in heels and short dresses. I can imagine uncomfortable would only begin to describe it! Love how ditzy Marilyn is.

  6. That first picture--- her hair looked lemony yellow to me, lol, now it looks green applish. Whatever the color--it is bright, and pretty! Marilyn is a fun sim! :D

  7. I can barely ride a bike in flats, let alone heels!

    I LOVE her hair. And their banter is awesome.
