Friday, April 26, 2013

1.7: Super Mom

Since Leon was now off to school, Marilyn was back to being a busy bee. She had been putting off some of her performances and gigs to stay home more with Leon, now she was missing her little boy. She sniffled back a tear and stuck out her lip thinking about her son. Her mind would be on him all day, she wondered if he'd make any friends or if he liked his teacher.

She loved making a fool of herself if it's to get a gig..

Too bad this lady didn't think she was good enough, even rolled her eyes. Rude!

That's fine, she could at least sell a few of her CD's while she was being rejected, showing how much the people really wanted to hear her.
"That's right you are holding the first ever copy sir!" Marilyn stood there proudly lying to this man. She said that to everyone and it always worked; Sims love to buy the first ever of anything.

Though thankfully that set back didn't stop Marilyn's super woman spirit. She powered through her next few auditions, landing a few gigs every night for the next few days. Though she wasn't sure if the sparkly effects and shaking her lovely parts had more to do with her getting the gigs than her talents did.. Oh well, at least she got them.

Later that day Mar had her first gig in front of a huge crowd. She was a nervous wreck, but seeing her husband dancing and making a fool of himself had given her the confidence to get through the show. Leon was still at school, Mar was just hoping she could make it home in time to see him before he went to bed.

The show went off without a hitch. Of course some people left, but that couldn't be helped in the middle of summer. It was boiling hot outside and Marilyn wasn't done performing, hopefully the rest would be inside.

After a long day of performing Mar finally made it home, and just in time to help Leon with his homework. School work wasn't her strong suit, and this wasn't the exception.
"What on earth are these teachers trying to teach you? I mean you're an elementary school student! I've never seen that kind of problem in my life."
"Mom, it's not that hard. You just carry the exponent here and switch these, then solve for y and graph it. It's actually pretty simple."
"Then why do you need my help?"
"I thought it would be funny?"

Marilyn scowled and bopped him on the head before getting up to go to her room and change for bed. Something just wasn't sitting right with her, it took her a little longer to walk than it usually did.

 Suddenly nausea hit her, thankfully she had made it closer to the wall so she had something to lean against.
"Sweetheart?" Dalton had just finished eating when he heard the thud come from Marilyn, though she gave him no reply. "Marilyn, are you alright?" He started to stand up and saw his wife leaning against the wall.
"I'm fine, just a little sick. Get Leon to be please." She barely got that out before running into the bathroom.

Marilyn sat on the floor, afraid that she might puke again. What was making her so sick? She covered her mouth trying to hold back anything else and to quiet her sobbing so Dalton or Leon wouldn't hear. Everything was just fine earlier, maybe working so hard after being off for a while was the cause. Maybe she was pushing herself too hard or it was a 24-hour bug, so many things could be the cause. For now she was spending the night in the bathroom.

Uh oh! I wonder whats wrong with Mar. 
Soo I'm back again and this time I have ideas! I just have to get the attention span to type them out. Does anyone else have that problem? I want to get on with the story, but as soon as I get on here to type it out I just don't want to anymore. It's sad.


  1. Yup! I have to kick myself sometimes to actually be able to sit down and sift through pics, and load them all the way I want and they type it all out and string it together. Totally. There's have been a lot of times I'd just rather be playing. Ha!

    Oh I hope Mar is ok! Though I have a suspicion it might be something she's been hoping for! I hope I'm right, but I'm scared too.

    It's good to see a new post! I Need Moar Dalton!

    1. I have the habit of taking too many pictures and not being able to decide which ones to use, I really need to kick that. I'm always just wanting to play so I just make other families while I'm getting the inspiration to write.

      I'm sure Mar's fine, but of course she has no clue what's going on. :3

      I'm trying to get Dalton more, but all he does is garden and play with Leon all day. I love the father son bonding though.

  2. Yeah, sometimes I just can't get myr head around how to start a chapter. So I just type the bit I know, go in and take the pictures for what I want to happen, and then see what pics I have spare that could make up the start. Or, I just jump right in at the bit I know about :p

    I think Marilyn is pregnant, WOOOOOOOOO!!! :D
    I have to be right. I play this game where I have to guess someone's pregnant before they announce it. TV is the most fun, because you never know if it's just that the actress is pregnant, or if they're going to announce it.
    Anyway, I also have to right because I don't think you could be so mean to her that you'd make her never have kids, and then make her die of some horrible illness. Remember, she needs to pass on that green hair.

    1. I might have to try that sometime.

      She might be. :3
      Oooh you don't know how cruel I can be to my little simmies, though Mar is one of my favorites.
